One Simple Trick to Styling the Best Vignettes Ever
Never underestimate the power of a well styled vignette. It can do wonders for adding form and function to many areas of a home from open kitchen shelves, to an almost non-existent entryway, to a drop-off spot in a narrow hallway. Vignettes are also a great way to add style and character to any space especially if painting the walls or adding custom features to your home or apartment are not available options for you.
So what is a vignette? And how can you begin creating them effortlessly in your own home? Keep reading as I spill all the deets.
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What is a Vignette Anyway?
In simple terms, a vignette is a grouping of items. One dictionary defined a vignette as “a brief evocative description, account, or episode”. Although that definition applies more to vignettes in a movie or literary work, I think it most accurately describes how I like to use them.
If your home is the movie, vignettes are the small scenes. These little “moments” are not insignificant ornamental tchotchkes that just fill up space. They are small groupings that make big statements, create strong memories, or call feelings to mind.
The No-Fail Trick to Styling a Vignette
When it comes to design, the one area where I receive the most compliments is my vignettes. My method for creating them is by no means the only one, but it works for me. You see it’s all about the triangle. Yep, when styling a vignette I always think in triangles. Let me show you how that looks using some of my most popular vignettes.
“The no-fail tip to styling a super cool vignette is to remember your triangles.”
The Gallery Shelf Vignette
The vignette below was styled during my Fall 2019 participation in the One Room Challenge. It’s just one shelf on a bookcase in my small office nook. It cost me absolutely nothing to put it together since I used items I already owned. Although it’s pretty tiny, this vignette packs a powerful punch and is quickly starting to outrank my other popular vignettes.
Using your fingers as guides, see if you can draw the triangle between the objects that create a triangle. Try to do that before peeking to the next photo where I provide the answer.
Are you ready for a few more examples? Awesome! In the next few photos, I’ll highlight only the most obvious arrangements that create a triangle. Let’s see if you can come up with the rest.
The Faux Entryway Arrangement
Notice my small faux entryway below. There are several triangle vignettes featured. Just like the example above, I’ve highlighted the triangle vignettes that are the easiest to detect.
Although I only highlighted 3 triangle arrangements above, my eye detects at least four or five more. Can you locate the additional triangle groupings in the photo above? Here’s a hint: Groupings don’t necessarily have to be on the same surface, nor on the same wall. Items can be place in front, below, or behind other objects.
A Hallway Vignette Scene
This next grouping is located in my narrow hallway. This is my most popular image on instagram. Once again I’ve included the regular image below, followed by an image indicating the triangle groupings.
In the photo above, I’ve highlighted 3 obvious triangular displays. There are at least three more groupings above that make a triangle shape. Can you spot them?
Benefits of Styling in a Triangular Form
Triangular vignettes are by no means the only way to create jaw-dropping decorative groupings. But using that method has two built-in benefits. By keeping the triangle in mind you will almost instinctively begin to follow the other 2 rules for creating super lux vignettes. They are:
Include both tall and short objects to make the eyes glide and,
Group odd numbers of objects. This is an important key to creating interest.
How awesome is that?! No long list of rules to remember. Just one.
Ways to Add Substance to Your Vignettes
Vignettes are my favorite scenes to create. But let the reader be warned. Creating a gazilion ornamental groupings around your home is the fastest way to cluttered, dust-laden spaces. To reduce the possibility of this happening, I try to make my vignettes functional. The key to keeping a clean and tidy vignette is to incorporate items in it that you regularly use. Then when dust collects, you are more likely to clean it immediately.
Here are some items I like to use:
Boxes with lids -These can be used to hide keys, store stationery and get well cards, glasses or candy
Photographs - Photos are always great talking points when placed strategically
A lamp or a mood light - A lamp that actually gets used regularly (like the Moroccan light above) is a great addition.
A vase of flowers - I love to mix faux and real plants and flowers
Candles or diffusers
Books - Using ones that you actually like to read from time to time is best. Don’t have any books? Try stacking beautiful photo albums instead. If these are easy to reach, you’ll find that you might view them more often.
Artwork - Art pieces leaned against a wall are my favorites. They can also quickly be changed out if necessary
An item from your travels - It doesn’t matter if it was from Tennessee or Tanzania. If it’s meaningful to you, give it prominence in your vignette.
Be prepared to play around a bit with the items you’ve collected for your vignette. It takes some practice to come up with a look that is both striking and complimentary to your area or room. But it’s important to remember to have fun with it.
I’d love to get your thoughts on this simple tip. Please feel free to tell me in the comments below.