How to Make Getting Dressed in the Morning More Enjoyable

Whole House Organization Challenge: Week 12

The process of decluttering a closet is an arduous one. Clothes are so personal and therefore difficult to part with. Yet each time I take on the task, I follow the same tried and true process:

  1. Take everything out

  2. Create piles to: keep, donate, sell

  3. Scrub down the closet

  4. Return items to areas marked for them (I.e., dresses, shirts, skirts, pants)

After every closet purge, the ease with which I get dressed in the mornings that follow are noticeable even to The Husband.  My mornings feel less pressing and light.

So what are some factors that account for this major difference? Does declutter ing alone produce such an effect?

I invite you to my closet while I explain. Welcome to week 12 of the Whole House Organization Challenge

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Veteran readers of this blog may recall that during last year's WHO CHALLENGE I did an overhaul of my closet. With only a couple of minor changes, I’ve maintained the system established back then. For your convenience, I’ve also created a shopping list of closet essentials.

Of course one of the biggest challenges was creating a functional boutique-y feel inside of a 67.5”W x 31.5”D space. The planning process was brutal, but I was determined to use every inch of space. The result is that this space is now one of the most ingenious uses of space in my home.  After having lived with it a while, I think I’ve identified key tips for decluttering and Maintaining a tidy closet.

Make Space in Another Room

This closet was originally configured differently, with clothes bars mounted on each side of the door opening  from front to back - a depth of 31.5".   All of the bedroom closets in my home are constructed this way, making it nearly impossible for the closet to be shared with another person.

The only solution then was that someone had to move to another space. Since I am the earlier riser (not by choice) it was decided the I would take the closet in the spare bedroom.  It took some getting used to, but it opened the door for customization later.

Unless the only available alternative closet space is located in an inconvenient part of the home - like say the garage or basement- I highly recommend that small space dwellers consider this a viable option. | Follow these closet organization tips to make getting dressed in the morning more enjoyable. | Small closet organization | Whole House Organization Challenge


There is an expression that intimates coming to the realization of an undeniable truth.  It is more than a simple acknowledgement, but a moment where a person realizes that s/he will never arrive at a certain goal with their current behavior.  Come to Jesus.  

Sometimes it’s difficult for us women especially – to part with clothing that is ill-fitting an unflattering.  The reasons why we do this are endless.  Whether you live in a small or large space however, at some point you will have to decide what is more valuable: the item of clothing or a clean and organized space.   If the latter is what you want, then you’ll have to "come to Jesus".  Commit to getting rid of clothes you don’t wear.


Uniformity is the thing that gives organized spaces their appeal. The human eye loves symmetry and orderliness. That is one benefit of using one style of hanger for all of your clothing.  Uniform slim profile hangers provide great use of space.

💡GREAT IDEA:  In order to get more efficient use out of your closet, set a goal to keep it filled to 75% capacity.  This will allow hangers to slide easily. | Follow these closet organization tips to make getting dressed in the morning more enjoyable. | Small closet organization | Whole House Organization Challenge


Never would I have imagined that 20 pairs of shoes would have fit so neatly in such a narrow space.  The shoe cabinet below is only a foot wide.  I now include using the side walls - no matter how small they may appear to be -  as a requirement for maximizing closet space.

Consider this area of your closets to:

  • Hang belts

  • Store shoes

  • Install a towel bar for storing and displaying scarves

  • Create a magnetic makeup storage wall | Follow these closet organization tips to make getting dressed in the morning more enjoyable. | Small closet organization | Whole House Organization Challenge


Attractiveness sometimes acts as an incentive to keep an area tidy.  Make your morning routine more enjoyable by styling up your storage pieces.  Add labels and artwork for a special touch.  Then arrange your garments in order of color.  

It was a bit tough to get a forward angle of the side wall, but the pink hanger shown below is where I hang the outfit I'm going to wear on the following day.  This cuts my dressing time in half! | Follow these closet organization tips to make getting dressed in the morning more enjoyable. | Small closet organization | Whole House Organization Challenge | Follow these closet organization tips to make getting dressed in the morning more enjoyable. | Small closet organization | Whole House Organization Challenge

Each time I take a "trip" to my closet it's like visiting a tiny boutique.  One day I might decide to change the pink to something less whimsical.  But for now, I'm throughly enjoying this space. 

Please tell me in the comments below, did you find these closet organization tips helpful? | Small Space Interiors & Lifestyle blog

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Something for Your Pinterest Board | Follow these closet organization tips to make getting dressed in the morning more enjoyable. | Small closet organization | Whole House Organization Challenge